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​• Classes and rehearsals start at the posted times – ON TIME.

• Students should be at the studio/theatre at least ten minutes early and be ready to go BEFORE the scheduled times. When students are late there are the possibilities of them having to warm up on their own in another room OR not being able to take class, at all. Please note: There is no refunds or pro-rating for students who are late!

• Students are required to attend ALL scheduled classes, rehearsals and costume fittings and are to remain until the end until they are released -- unless pre-arranged/authorized ahead of time.

• All students are to be properly dressed, neat and clean for class at all times. 

• Students will always be presentable and “professional” looking AND acting, both when entering and leaving the studio and/or theatre.

Students (no matter of age or size), are not allowed to walk around in public (outside of the studio and theatre) dressed only in leotards and tights! Students in ALL levels are to enter and leave the building in a COMPLETE COVER-UP.

A COMPLETE COVER - UP FOR GIRLS: A full dress, full skirt (slacks or shorts), blouse and street shoes.
A COMPLETE COVER - UP FOR BOYS: Slacks (or shorts) and shirt and street shoes.

A complete cover-up is NEVER just “booty” shorts or, over sized shirt and/or skirt pulled over a leotard and tights.

• Wearing jewelry in class in not allowed.
Pierced earring studs are acceptable but anything dangling or hoops are not. Bracelets and/or necklaces are also NOT allowed. Students may be asked to remove them. (It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of them.) 

• If a student is going to be absent, their *parent is to call, at least one hour before class time. 

• Students (no matter the level) are to be picked up, no later than 15 minutes after their last class. Parents/Guardians, who are continually late picking up their children, may be charged an extra fee, as we must have someone to watch over them. 

• If there is an individual NOT allowed to pick up a child, please inform the school office. 

• Parents should park their cars and come in to the building to pick up students.
However, if you are waiting in the cue at the door in your car and the student is not visible or ready, PULL AROUND in order to not make the people behind you wait. No honking of car horns! Never leave an unattended car directly in front of the building.

• The use of cell phones, iPods, laptops and/or cameras in the classrooms, rehearsals or
performances is strictly forbidden. If a student is found using one, the item will be confiscated until the student leaves for home.

• No cell phones in the Lobby.
Please be courteous and polite -- Step outside the front door to use a cell phone. 

• Though students are not allowed to eat in classrooms, water bottles are allowed. 

• Students only are allowed access to the dressing rooms, restrooms, waiting areas and

• Parents/Guardians are not allowed in the hallways and/or in classrooms unless pre-arranged.  There will be posted parent/guardian observation days. 

• Missed classes may be made up in the same level at another time (if available) or in a lower level. 

• Students cannot receive messages unless it is an emergency. 

• Students should only change in the dressing rooms. 

• Parents/guardians wishing to speak to the Director or a teacher absolutely -- MUST -- make appointment. 

• It is never, ever appropriate or acceptable for a student to touch, push, shove or ever be rude to on another -- or to anyone. There no toleration for bullying!

• If it does not belong to you – do not touch it. 

• Most students have the same color shoes, tights and leotards, it is VERY important to put their name in  them. 

• Student’s images may be used in various promotional materials, on the website, Facebook and/or other mediums. 

• It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the school lobby quiet and neat -- at all times. If your child makes a mess, please do not expect someone else to clean it up.

• The dressing rooms are to be kept neat and clean, at all times.
NO food is allowed in the dressing rooms - ever!

• Defacing of school property is subject to expulsion. he student and/or family will be held financially responsible for any damage.

• Please, refrain from smoking directly outside at the front door of the Entrance. 

• Parents and students need to always be aware of all information posted.
   (See section on Communications below).

• Always be kind and patient. Be helpful and supportive of each other.

• Save the diva and attitudes for someplace else. Actually, LOSE the diva and attitudes. They do not impress anyone, anyway.

• Please, refrain from idle gossip or malicious talk, especially in the lobby and in front of


Paris Ballet and Dance does not discriminate on the basis not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, ancestry, sex, age, familial status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability or genetic information.

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